Fighter Information

You are to weigh in at least 2 hours before your first match, and be waiting in the bullpen.


Once you are in the bullpen you are not to leave.


Please check the scheduled and refresh the schedule as this is a dynamic schedule that can move.


If your name is called in the bullpen and you do not present immediately you will be disqualified, this means;

  • do not wear earphones if you cannot hear your name being called
  • go to the bathroom before you enter the bullpen

Arguing with officials that your name was never called, will result in team penalties.


If you are not wearing your shoes in the bullpen or on the side of the mats, you will be disqualified.


When you are weighed in you will have a physical health check - you are not to have long nails or any open sores. If you do have open sores that are not properly covered you will be disqualified for medical purposes.

If you have any skin infection you will be deemed medically unfit to continue. 


Our team are trying to provide you with a smooth and professional service so that you have a platform to display your talents on, if you are disrespectful to staff you will be disqualified from the tournament and future tournaments.

Your team and family will be there to support you on the day, please do not ruin it by being disrespectful to staff and not being able to compete. 


These protocol are guided by world ADCC standards and are a requirement for us securing international tournament rights.


  • Men 18+yrs 75 NZD
  • Women 18+yrs 75 NZD
  • Juvenile Men 15-17 yrs 75 NZD
  • Juvenile Women 15-17 years 75 NZD
  • Boys 11-14 years 65 NZD
  • Girls 11-14 years 65 NZD

Cancel/Refund policy